Friday, August 29, 2014

 This beautiful quilt was pieced by my sister in law Suzanne for Tim and my wedding gift. She didn't get around to tying it and since I had gotten my longarm machine, she asked if I would like to quilt it. Of course I said "yes"!

Saturday, August 16, 2014


Squaring your quilt top is a very important step. I recommend using an appropriate sized ruler... The one I use most often is a 10" square Omnigrip by Omnigrid which I use at the corners. There are so many on the market these days, it would be hard to choose just one. I aIso use my Fiskars 6" X 24" for cutting lengthy areas and you can even tape two cutting mats end to end if you need more cutting surface area. I always square my blocks as I'm piecing; it seems to save time for me. Although, there are times when I cut for a while, sew for a while, iron for a while and then trim edges for a while. If you've caught the quilting bug, the ideas are probably in the making for the next project before you're even halfway through the one you have in progress!

The finished top should be measured in three places across the width and again in three places down the length so that the average measurement can then be determined for the final size. If all three measurements come out the same, you should pat yourself on the back because rarely does that happen. If your measurements are different, add them up and divide them by three to get the average. Then square to the average where needed. A quick way to see how off-kilter a quilt is... is to fold it in half and measure the shorter sides in various places and then fold again to see just how close your corners are matching up. Now this is only for a quick glance, don't use this method for a final measurement. I just have found that when I have folded it twice, once in half lengthwise and then again width and it comes out nice and even, I know that it is close and there will likely be less trimming to do. I have fortunately, not come across too many quilts that are so far off that it causes any headaches. Hopefully yours will be that way, too!

The importance of squaring and measuring will determine both your backing and batting sizes, but also for figuring the approximate amount of binding you will need.

I may figure the approximate binding before I quilt, but as the quilt is sandwiched and stitched together, there will be some shrinkage depending on how much detail is in the quilting. As well as the type of batting used. The more dense the quilting, the more shrinkage can occur. The less dense quilting there is, the less shrinkage there will be. However; various fabrics and how the fabric was treated or not prior to sewing, will also play a role in shrinkage and distortion. Always buy the best quality you can afford when starting a new quilt, whenever possible. A properly squared quilt will be so much more attractive and give it that keepsake quality if the extra attention is given where it's needed.

Hopefully this helps, but if there are any questions, please don't hesitate to ask for help! 

Long-arm Quilting Services

Current Pricing for 2019

Edge to edge one simple design to a more detailed over-all design starts at $0.018-$0.02 per square inch.

Custom includes SID, outlined appliques, separate border treatments, individual block designs, thread color changes and other specific details to the quilt's design. Custom quilting is $0.02 - $0.05 per square inch.

We also offer optional binding.

Straight-edge front & back with mitered corners
$.10 per linear inch

$.125 per linear inch

Specialty Threads

We offer high quality cotton, polyester and blends. Price depends on brand, fiber, loft and size.

To figure the approximate cost to have your quilt machine quilted by Keepsake Designs, first measure the width in inches and multiply that measurement by the length in inches to get the square inch measurement of your quilt top.
Next take the type of quilting, priced above, by your total measurement and get a general estimate. 

If you would like a quote, please feel free to e-mail a picture if you can, or a description, and any ideas of how you would like your project to be quilted to: 


Please always contact us for any questions or concerns.  Thank you for considering Keepsake Designs!

For Squaring Tips click HERE

Monday, August 11, 2014


I love harvest times of the year!

Since starting Keepsake Designs, I have been so consumed with trying to build it into a business where everything will be just as I dream it will be. I've made notes on little bits of paper, napkins, and other things whenever ideas come to mind. Just one of those important things is to not lose sight of God, Family & Life. Those are very important to me and will keep me on track AND from getting burnt out.

I sometimes struggle with time management issues, because I am a multi-tasker and can get side-tracked with all those many day-to-day tasks (down-side of working from home) that seem to constantly jump out screaming at me "pick me, pick me"! On my way to fetch something, I see something out of place and then while straightening that I pick something else up or wipe that spill and then, oh while I'm here, I may as well do this and get it over with... A little OCD...probably! I'm getting better at ignoring until the "work-day" is done.

I didn't allow myself to go into my studio over the weekend. Apples were ready and Tim & I picked about four bushels. We also went to Farmers Market, ran errands and of course household chores. We also took a nice nap on Saturday; "ahh". Sunday, we traveled to Siloam Springs state park in search of blackberries. The weather was perfect and we took the dog and enjoyed the beautiful outdoors, hiking and viewing. Our own blackberries barely survived a very harsh winter and what little plants we have left are just getting ripened, so I was hoping I didn't miss the season altogether. The park's patches were not to be found.

So harvest time at present consists of green beans, tomatoes, zucchini, bell peppers apples, and two supers of honey that all need to be worked up this week. I am very thankful. I also need to finish a Quilt of Valor and get started on some gift designs for show and for the up coming Holidays.

Today is my catch-up on social media Monday, so a nice quiet morning that I am having before the busywork starts. I am excited about this up coming Autumn season and the ideas are in over-drive! Let us get this party started!

Have a great Monday!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

What an Honor it is to quilt for QOVF!

To the brave men and women who sacrifice more than I can imagine... Thank you for your service!

 I cannot take credit for the beautiful piece work. I am a longarm quilter and I volunteer my quilting service to Quilts of Valor Foundation. I am one of few who gets to turn a top batting and back into a quilt by stitching the three layers together. Truly an honor to be a part of this foundation!

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